CONTACT CHUCK @ (920) 915-0184
EXPLANATION OF MINIMUM PURCHASE: $500 minimun order must be reached on first order. Then enjoy wholesale prices rest of year without minimums. Pay cash or card ( add 3.5% fee )
EXPLANATION OF CASE PACK: The pack number indicates how many retail pieces you would encounter as you unpack a case. For
example, a case of firecrackers packed 12/80/16 means the case has 12 bricks, each brick has 80 packs, and each pack has 16 firecrackers. For
artillery, 4/24 packing contains 4 retail packs of 24 different shells, while 4/4/6 packing contains 4 retail packs of 4-packs of 6 different shells.
EXPLANATION OF PICKUP AND DELIVERY: Orders are now open until Jan. 1st, 2024. No orders are accepted Jan 2nd to Feb. 20th due to shipping containers being organized and updated. Orders will be accepted Feb 21st thru the rest of the year.